Our Mission

Our Mission
Learn more about our spiritual philosophy.
Primary Goal

The primary goal of Voice of Wilderness is to communicate the reality of Jesus Christ and the practical application of the teachings found in the books of the Bible. In a complex society such as ours, man has virtually ignored this vital part of an educational process. We use the wilderness setting as a tool to relate Biblical principles to the everyday needs of the individual. God used the wilderness to deal with His people; Moses, Elijah, David, John the Baptist, and Jesus were all led into the solitude of their natural environments to reflect and develop.

Where life is basic, man is more likely to realize his need for dependence on his Creator. Here, an individual can see God's creation and understand more of His power. Free from day to day distractions, one can clearly examine the life Christ claimed to give. The wilderness is truly a voice that declares God's "invisible attributes, eternal power and divine nature." 

(Romans 1:20)

Darkness. Water. Wind. The curtain goes up on a darkened stage. A voice is heard.Then brilliant light blankets the landscape and dazzles the eyes. The cosmic drama of salvation history opens with an awe-inspiring display of theatrics.
- Bruce K. Waltke
Introduction excerpted from "The Wilderness Classroom."
Copies of these books may be obtained on Amazon.com.
Application of Biblical principles to successful living, related to:
  • Personal problems
  • Family Relationships
  • Security vs. Anxiety
  • Evaluation of priorities
  • Decisions regarding the future
  • Social pressures: competition, achievement, status, popularity
  • Relationships with peers and authorities
Understanding of our natural surroundings and how life is sustained within, related to:
  • Backpacking-mountaineering techniques
  • Map and compass instruction
  • Camping and hiking skills
  • Survival techniques
  • Environmental studies
  • Leadership roles
  • Wilderness First Aid and Rescue
  • Solo experience
  • Environmental Clean-Up
  • Trail Maintenance and Repair
Proper role of physical conditioning and physical activities, related to:
  • Hiking 5 to 10 miles of mountain trails in a single day
  • Carrying a 40-pound pack at altitudes from 5 to 12 thousand feet
  • Climbing a nearby peak
  • Fishing mountain streams and lakes
  • Experiencing pleasantly warm days, frequent showers and cold nights
Adventure and Fulfillment
VOW is committed to offering excellence and quality in a well-rounded wilderness experience. It seeks to provide adventure and challenge, but not without finding the fulfillment of the other goals. However, the value of these trips lies mainly in the conviction that Jesus Christ provides the only solution for a man's struggle on earth.

During our times together, we will have an ideal environment to examine how Christ can be practical in some of the most common concerns of our lives. After time in a natural environment, compare what you see with the environment man has created, then decide whom you want to follow.

Learn more about our curriculum here.
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